This Avenue of Service calls on Rotarians to foster high ethical standards in business, recognize the value of all occupations, and dignify our occupations as an opportunity to serve our communities. Rotarians are challenged to use their skills and expertise to serve the community, and mentor others to achieve their career/professional goals.
ageant of the Arts
- Pageant of the Arts is a Rotary Scholarship program for high school students with an emphasis in the Arts, specifically Music, Media Based Art, Dance, and Speech.
- The winners selected in each category are awarded a scholarship from our Foundation, and is then sponsored by our Foundation to compete at District Competition, where a top 3 winner are eligible to receive additional scholarships from the District.
Teacher Mini-Grants
- Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club joins annually with the LAX Coastal Chamber's Education Committee and our community partners to facilitate our Teacher Mini-Grant program.
- Grant awards are presented to directly to local educators in both public and private schools in effort to enhance their classroom programs, and so teachers do not have to pay out of their pockets.
- For the past 20 years, the Foundation has awarded over $300,000, to hundreds of teachers, and for the benefit of thousands of students.
Teacher Eddy Awards
Speaker Books for Schools