Katie and her boyfriend Mike met Buckley, Howard and I at his warehouse Saturday morning to attempt the assembly of the popcorn machine that Alex scored for the Club.  Once we figured out that the best thing to do with the assembly instructions was to ignore them things started to move along at a pretty good pace.


It was a perfect blend of talent and coordination.  Howard rustled up a few useful tools that weren’t in my truck and then went to tend to his business, Katie and Mike did most of the work putting the machine together and Buckley and I had a lot of fun cheerleading their efforts and running around the warehouse.


After the assembly was complete Howard turned up with some guacamole and chips, popcorn and coconut oil.  We chowd down on the guac and chips while deciding how best to cook the popcorn in the new machine.


While the machine heated up Howard gave us a tour of his multifaceted operation, always an inspirational and insightful experience.  When we got back to the machine it was hot and ready to go.  We made a batch of popcorn and there was unanimous agreement that the day’s efforts and our new machine are a complete success.


We can look forward to many years of fun and use with our new fundraising tool.  Many thanks to all who made this project happen and to all who will put it to good use.

