Jan 13, 2021 7:30 AM
Annual Teacher Mini-Grant Program

Teacher Mini-Grants is one of the largest and most successful program of the Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club. The program is over 20 years old and made in a joint effort with the LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce. Approximately 75 Mini-Grants are awarded each year to local area classroom teachers totaling $15,000 to $20,000. The Grants ranging from $75 to $400 are awarded to deserving educators to fund their creative and innovative projects in the classrooms. The principals of the winning schools are invited to an awards event held annually to receive the grant checks for their respective schools. Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club is very proud of having distributed more than $300,000 to local schools over the years. 

As significant attendance and guests (and awards) are anticipated for this meeting, we will expedite and shorten our announcements for this week, so that the Teacher Mini-Grants program will have ample time. I highly encourage everyone to attend, to not only support our teachers and club, but to also get a firsthand view of what our teachers need, how the mini-grants will be used, and the impact to our community and students.  

If you have any questions, please contact the program chair, Gwen Vuchsas. (gvuchsas@secoteam.com)